
The crew free download pc game full version
The crew free download PC game was developed by Ivory Tower and published by Ubisoft. It is the first installment of the series and it is an online racing game that sets in an open world environment under the banner of Ubisoft.


The crew download free PC game full version set in an open world for racing and free roaming around the United States. The map is divided into five different regions and all regions have one city in it where the race starts on. Download The crew PC game full version contains San Francisco, New York, Miami, Los angles, Chicago and many other cities of United States. The crew free download PC full version game also contains 30 smaller cities and towns and there is a journey of almost 20 hours from one town to another. 
The crew download free pc game full version

There are also small challenges in The crew download free PC game full version for players to gain credits such as a small stunt and a small race. As it is an online game, so the player has to be very careful and active throughout the start of the download crew PC game free version full. The race start can be any of the minutes and you have to remain prepared for it. Once you play the game, your scores are automatically saved on The crew free download PC full version game server and when your friend gets online; He will see your current scores and try to beat them. You can play missions alone or with any of your friend or around with other friends around the world. 
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In multiplayer mode maximum, eight players can be played online. In iOS and in Android you can also get the feature of building cars and upgrading them. The player has to form crews in single or in a multiplayer the crew free download PC game full version and that's why the name of the it became The Crew.
The crew download free PC full version game is the story of Alex Taylor who was wanted by police and other law agencies. His friend Harry asks him to participate in the race. Alex participates in the race and wins the race. Later his brother Dayton asks him to come with him and when he is waiting for a man. A car came and the driver of the car shoot Dayton. Dayton died and at the same time police came and thought that Alex killed him and start following him.5 years Later FBI gave Alex the chance to prove that he is not guilty and  go and find his brother murdered. So that's the story of the game in which download The crew PC game full version is actually based and here the player plays the role of Alex in this story.
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The Crew Wild Run is the 2014 game full version and it is the expansion pack of The Crew free download. It was also developed by Ivory Tower and the publication credit also goes to Ubisoft.The crew free download full version for PC was released in 2015. This expansion also contains a long range of new cars and also contains motorcycles in it. In this range of new cars, there are new drifting cars and monster trucks. On the other hand, bikes like heavy bikes and speed bikes in this new mode. The graphical content of the game was so amazing and attractive that the people who play it love it. The crew free download PC game full version gets the response of almost 64% all around the world and gets the lovely response of the public. The public praises its rich content and worthy missions and the interesting story of it. The best reviews are on its car purchasing upgrade and its soundtracks.

THE CREW free download PC game full version Features

  1. It is Amazing online racing game.
  2. It has Multiplayer mode contains 8 players.
  3. It has High Definition graphics.
  4. Contain both bikes and Cars.
  5. It has Car purchasing and upgrading feature.

THE CREW download free game for PC System Requirements

  • CPU: Intel Core i5 and 3.0 GHz
  • Ram: 8 GB
  • Video card: 1 GB
  • Operating System: Windows 7, 8, 8.1


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THE CREW download free full version Game for PC

 click here to download the crew

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