
gta san andreas free download pc game full version
GTA san Andreas free download pc game full version was developed by Rockstar North and was released under the banner of Rockstar Games. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is an open world game of action and adventure and was developed for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation.GTA san Andreas download free pc game full version is played from the third party perspective and was the sequel of Grand Theft Auto 4. It is set in the open city of San Andreas and the player was a criminal.You have been given a player which is Black American in the cast. 


The display screen of the GTA san Andreas free download pc full game version shows the money that the player have at that time, The map that told the player present location and the your current missions offers that you can play and the car repairing center and the ammunition center and your home where you can save the download GTA san Andreas pc game full version and the place where you are and the whole display of the city.
gta san andreas download free pc game full version

The display screen also shows the number of ammunition that you have and the number of bullets that are remaining. The screen also shows your current health that you have and the police level that you are facing.
The player have to complete missions one by one and the number of offers that you get for facing mission is increasing rapidly and you get called on more people's to complete missions in GTA san Andreas free download full pc version. The mission that the player has to do are of different types like to kill someone, To race with someone, To fight with someone, To rescue someone, To protect someone, To destroy someone and to deliver something and many more.
download gta san andreas  pc game full version

The player is free to get all the cars of the grand theft auto GTA san Andreas free download full version for pc by snatching or by simple driving. The player also can make him strong by exercise daily and daily and the player also get himself strong by feeding food on time. The player health depends on food in grand theft auto GTA san Andreas download free pc full game version. You have to make your health full by feeding properly and if you don't you lose your health and suddenly died. You can also refill your health by a health code. The health code also gave you money with health also. The police indication level told you about the difficulty you have to face by police and the police arrest you if it is on not matter how much of the lights are on. In the first blinking light, you have to face the cops on the road in GTA san Andreas free download pc game full version.

gta san andreas  pc wallpapers|screenshots|images
In two blinking lights, you have to face cops cars. In three blinking lights, you have to face cops and FBI both. In four blinking lights you have to face army cars and cops as well in grand theft auto GTA san Andreas free download full pc version. In five blinking lights, all the area is being sealed for you and army takes over the situation and their choppers are behind you and their cars also. In all the 6 blinking lights, Army tanks are there for you. You can also get free of these police levels by entering a single code or by changing your clothes or by changing your car color it is up to you in GTA san Andreas free download pc full version.
gta san andreas  pc wallpapers|screenshots|images

You can also fly by entering a simple code or can swim also. You can get racing as well as other cars at the place where you are by simply enter their code. You can also change the weather by your choice or get guns by entering codes or much more by the help of codes. The area of GTA san Andreas free download pc version is too much wide as compared to the area of vice city and there are also new cars and new guns and many more available in it.


  1. Best Open world adventures game of the year.
  2. Many missions and new cities are available.
  3. New customization options and much more advanced then Vice City.
  4. The player can fly and swim also.
  5. Available for both PC and PlayStation.


  • CPU: Pentium 3 or advanced
  • RAM: 256 MB
  • OS: Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10
  • Video Card: 64 MB
  • Disk Space: 1 GB


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