
Sleeping dogs download free pc game full version
Sleeping dogs download free PC game full version was developed by UnitedFront Games and published under the banner of SquareEnix. It is an open world game with full of adventures and action. Download Sleeping dogs Pc full version is based on the life of an undercover agent which task is to infiltrate an organization.it location is the city of Hong Kong. The main feature is the player shooting and fighting abilities and the gadgets that the player used during combat and during exploration. 


The story of the Sleeping dogs free download PC game full version and the new contents and objectives gets unlock as the player complete his missions and tasks. As the player is working as an undercover cop and show himself as a cop, so he has to face many times the police response and if the response is too high so the player can low the intensity of response by the heating system. The player can do many of the extra tasks with his missions such as fighting and driving tasks and by performing these tasks the player can get an extra reward for his achievements.
download Sleeping dogs pc game full version

The name of the player is Shen in this Sleeping dogs download free PC game full version. The starting mission told the players that how to control Shen and what he can do. The player is also allowed to explore the open world of the Sleeping dogs pc download free full version and can do many of the other activities within the game. Shen can do all of the normal things which a normal person can do such as such as climbing, run, swim, and driving boats, bikes, and cars. There is a mini-map on the display screen that indicates you, your target position, Safe houses and much more in Sleeping dogs download free pc game full version. 
Sleeping dogs free download pc game full version

The map also displays the Shen health and a meter that when fills many of the upgrades gets unlocked such as combat skills are much improved and health gets regenerate and the costs of the different equipment get less. The screen also displays the number of the weapons you are carried and what are the remaining bullets you have and the number of other equipment such as knife or bombs and other safety armors such as safety jackets and many more. Download Sleeping dogs pc full game version is based on three types of the experience points.

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The first one is Triad XP. Triad XP is based on the environmental missions such as to perform combat and other of the violent actions in sleeping dogs download game free full pc version. The second one is Face XP. It is based on civilian missions like to full your face meter and to get unlocked other cosmetics items such as guns, clothes and other vehicles. When the face meter gets full, Shen attack damage gets much increased and other many benefits he had got. The third one is Police XP in sleeping dogs download pc full free version. Police XP unlock the abilities such as hot and new cars and to gets opponent disarm. 
Sleeping dogs pc wallpapers|screenshsots|images

The accessories that the Shen purchased don't effect on the character of the player. In melee attack of the player, it consists of small attacks, counter attacks, and other moves can be performed without weapons. The player counter, grapple, and attack are in a line with each other. There is also a knife and tire attacks are available that help player to kill the enemy without wasting his bullets and without making a voice. As the player completes the missions one by one, the player also acquires safe houses to save the progress of the Sleeping dogs download pc free version game as we do in GTA. The player can also use the garage of the house to park your car and also have new clothes for a change.


  1. Open world adventure and action game.
  2. Based on Undercover Cop life.
  3. Available for both PC and PlayStation.
  4. The game city is free to move and based on High Definition Graphics.
  5. Fighting skills are much advanced.


  • CPU: Core 2 Duo or advanced
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • OS: Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10
  • Video Card: 1 GB
  • Disk Space: 15 GB


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